Tuesday, November 3, 2009



Post: Video marketing is almost as popular today as Google Adwords. In case you have not heard, youtube.com was bought for over 1 billion dollars by Google.com. What makes this even more amazing is that this occurred over two years ago. If you are not putting the power of this marketing weapon to use in your own internet marketing home business you are leaving tons of money on the online marketing table. Fortunately, you can now put this incredible resource to work for you if you just utilize a few quick tips. This article will serve to enlighten any fellow online business owners with several video marketing pointers.

Those entrepreneurs who hope to harness the power of video marketing should know that they do not need to spend any money with the hope that they can make money using video. It is always good to understand what sites allow you to put your videos on them for no charge. You can find out which sites allow you to do this task by going to any one of the popular internet search engines and putting in the word “video.” This will be your gateway to a multitude of websites that will let you showcase your videos for no money at all. You can even make videos with your very own soundtrack and text by using an incredible website called animoto.com. This web property will let you make videos for friends, family, and even that special man or woman in your life. Imagine being the recipient of a video that came straight from your heart and is wrapped up with all of the love and emotion that you feel for this person. It is good to practice making videos until you feel very comfortable with this kind of technique.

Once you feel at ease with this manner of media, you can now use it to promote a clickbank.com product. You can use your website in the video and drive some traffic to your offer so that people will buy what you have to sell. The key is to let people know that your offer is on the various video websites by sending out an email to your customer list, posting in forums that relate to your specific niche, or commenting on the videos of others at sites like youtube.com and leaving your website URL in your comments.

Video marketing is but one of many things that an online company can do to promote their business. If you are not using this way of promotion, you need to add it to what you are currently doing. I am very sure that you will be pleased with the results that will achieve.

Video marketing is taking the online arena by storm don't get left behind when you could be among those who are caught in the midst of all that cash that is raining down on their empire.

Friday, October 30, 2009



Offline Businesses Need You more than you Know


Are you in a bind right now in your career or personal life? Are you so broke that you can't even pay attention to the words that you are reading? If either of those statements describes the state of your current existence, it is time that you put on your online battle gear. I am referring to the type of armor that will enable you to fight your way out of the difficult situation that you are facing. A fast way to earn money by using the skills that you have as an internet marketer is by calling those people who own a business in your city or town. Often times, we take for granted the words that we have learned over the years as online experts and business owners. These very skills are the kind of abilities that can make you a person with extra money if you persevere and do not give up at any cost.

Start making a list of the companies that are advertising in your local low budget newspaper. In my area, we have a periodical called The News Journal. Though the name may be different in your neck of the woods, you most likely have a similar resource that can become a list of gold in the right hands. After you have gotten a copy of this newspaper, you can call all of those companies in the paper that have a telephone number, but do not have a website yet. This is what should now be your target market. The plan is to market to these business owners by offering them a website for an excellent price. Even if you can't create a website yourself, there are many web designers, family members or college students who can make one for you at a higher price than you would charge these company executives.

This is how the banks operate on a routine basis. They charge their customers a higher fee than whatever they are paying. It is time that we begin to do the same exact thing in our own home based businesses. Develop a list of these owners who have no sites and just call them and let them know that you can have a site made for them in less than 10 days for less than $400. Keep calling until you have found a person that takes you up on your offer. You would then get your outsourcing mentioned above to do it for you for 100 dollars or less and you have just earned a nice, little paycheck in less than 14 days. If you repeat this process, you can increase the amount of money you make very easily.

Doing these out-of-the-box sort of things can lead you to leave your current place of employment very quickly. If you can teach these methods to your family members, you can also help them to obtain similar results in their own home based businesses. Now is the time to put your newly discovered knowledge to work and become an offline business owner’s answer to their prayer.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Oh My Where did my day go?

Title: Oh My Where did my day go?


Beware of being so busy that you don't get anything done.

Are you new to internet marketing, or better still do you have a home business. Well, I just thought I would run this by you. Stop wasting time. Stop wasting time. I say this because I know, that s what I do all day. I get up in the morning send the kids of to school. I go back to bed and take a short nap then next thing you know its 10 25 am, wow just in time to listen to the wake up call. I go up to my office above the garage and turn on my computer. I have a daily schedule planned that I am going to follow, but first I am going to check emails, oh oh, bad idea, 1 hr later I have still not touched my schedule yet. Now I will go on twitter and send out a couple of tweets, 1 hr later, no schedule. I will check my emails again, looks like I got a couple new ones, wow its lunchtime I need to get something to eat.

Now just before I start again I will check my email one last time, now its 2pm. oh my where did the day go. I have to do some work. Threw a glance at the schedule then the phone rings, next thing you know its 230pm. I really got to do something now because in an 30mins my kids will be home from school. I must do something now. oh oh I have a message on skype, this is someone I have to talk to. I hear the school bus, I better hurry the kids will come crashing in anytime now, I have 5 mins to catch up. Catch up on what, where was I again. Oh its the kids, its 3 15 pm what happened. I don't have enough time to catch up and I never got anything done, yet I have been so busy all day. Now what did I do today? I checked my email, sent a couple of tweets, checked my email, ate lunch, checked my email, answered a few phone calls, got on skype and next thing you know the kids are home. Wow what a busy day. Nothing done, just busy being busy. I guess I will just stay up late after homework and bedtime, so I can get something done. Or I can just wait till the morning and start all over again.

Now you see there is a lesson to be learned here today. But I know you are smart enough and you can figure that yourself. If you are not too busy.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Erica Njie has made a commitment to win the "Free SEO Networker Mastermind Scholarships."

Erica Njie has made a commitment to win the "Free SEO Networker Mastermind Scholarships."

PostIn 8 days, yes 8 days "SEO Networker is giving away 2 mastermind scholarships" to 2 lucky business owners. If you have been wondering how you can get your business in front of the millions of people searching for internet business opportunities everyday, then here is your answer.

If you have made the costly decision to use paid marketing methods like Google PPC utilizing high priced overused keywords with very little success and a huge drain on your bank account or piles of credit card debt, then you know what a great opportunity this will able to win. For so many before you, have tried to conquer Google PPC and failed. Who amongst you internet marketers, can say they were able to start marketing using Google PPC and made it in their first try, or even multiple tries there after.

Having been there myself, I knew I could not afford to continue to blow thousands of dollars trying multiple unsuccessful campaigns. I have the scars to show for it. I am not saying I have totally given up on Google but I feel like I cannot pass up this opportunity to win this scholarship. Other free marketing methods can be lucrative but take time to take hold. So I have been searching for additional methods that will not drain what ever little resources I have left. I am aware that if I continue further on the PPC track I might not be able to continue with my business and quitting is not an option for me. I know ultimately that I am responsible for the success of my business, so I decided to continue to search for other advertising options out there.

When I learned about Search Engine Opptimization, I wanted to see if I could teach myself how to do it. I wanted to make sure I could get my website to show up when someone does a search on Google and keep it there on the first page. So I sought out information from leading experts like Bruce Clay whom offers free SEO lessons on his website. But learning SEO is time consuming and I wanted to get going like yesterday, to get my website ranking on Google. So I continued my search and was lucky to come across SEO Networker.

If I am lucky to win this scholarship I know it will take my business to a whole new level, because with SEO if I make a mistake, I am fine. I will learn from the experience, fix my mistake and will be no less richer (hate using negative words like the 'P' word) than when I started. SEO is a great opportunity for marketers to generate free leads without having to worry about losing thousands of dollars in wasted advertising revenue. So Ferney and Ray (founders of SEO Networker) take note, I am determined to win this opportunity.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Niche Marketing: Competition Killing Secrets Of A Ninja Marketer

By Roy Primm TheNicheman.com

PostNiche marketing is the first thing most people thing about when they're involved in a new market, a highly competitive market or during and economic downturn. These are the times that separate the movers and shakers from the fakers. Why? Because when business slows down it tends to either reveal your weaknesses or magnify your strengths.

We all know how important having a market niche is. The niche marketing strategy and the person who finds or creates one is the main factor that separates a service or product from 10 others. This is no time for me-too products, services or thinking. During economic downturns it's not just the strong that survive, but the relevant who survive. We all know the value of a U.S.P or Unique Selling Proposition, but few know how to maximize it's use in their specific business or market.

Here's some quick and easy principles to aim toward your competition and pull the trigger. These competition eliminating secrets will work in any industry, market climate or on any competitor. Plus, as an added bonus they'll work even if your competition is larger, better financed or have a larger market share than you do.

1. The Principle of "D.L.D"
A billionaire once told me the key to success is to do what most people "Don’t Like Doing". That's right, the key to quickly eliminate competition is to do what your competitors Don't Like Doing - and make sure you do it better, faster or both. With this simple tactic you can literally steal customers from your competition overnight, especially those who are on the fence.

This guerilla niche marketing technique works especially well if your competition is larger than you are. This is a case of the bigger they are the harder they ‘stall“. Your job is to research their stall points. Every larger company will stall at doing many things. Why? Because it may not be economically feasible to do it or profitable. This is a market niche you can step into quickly and win some of their customers.

2. The Principle of Personalizing.
This is another area that works like gangbusters if you’re smaller than your competition. Your larger competitors just don't have the time or inclination to focus on this area. Most are mass market or volume centered. Can you find little ways to personalize a part of your product or service for your target market? In today's mass produced climate, it's the personal touch that means so much to picky customers, especially in a slow economy. If you can find ways to make your product or service more personalized and less cookie cutter, the market will reward you.

3. The Principle of Easier.
Niche marketing effectively in this climate requires you to avoid making the rookie mistake of thinking your selling a product or service. You're selling ease and convenience. At least that's what your customers are paying for, whether you sell nail polish or nails, chickens or checking accounts, people gladly pay people to make something easier for them. - Can you find more ways to make your product or service easier to buy, use, own, recommend to others, or attract repeat customers? The time you spend working on this one step will pay you rich dividends for years to come.

Niche Marketing: Competition Killing Secrets Of A Ninja Marketer

Niche Marketing: Competition Killing Secrets Of A Ninja Marketer

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